Friday, 8 February 2013

NVQ Business Admin Mandatory Units

This is my NVQ in Business Administration and Receptionist questions. They have been uploaded to help other users doing a similar NVQ get an idea as to what the questions should look like and help should you get stuck on a question or two! This contains 2 of my mandatory units, other mandatory units will be uploaded when completed.
NB- Please do not exactly copy this work, make questions relevant to where you work and the procedures of your particular company.

Unit 678- Work in a Business Environment
This unit is about being able to behave, and make contributions to work tasks and procedures in a business environment, in ways that support diversity, security and confidentiality at work, reduction of waste and improve efficiency.
1-      Understand how to respect other people at work
1.1-            Describe what is meant by diversity and why should it be valued.
Diversity can be different races, heritage, customs, belief systems, physical appearance, mental and physical capabilities ECT. Diversity should be respected and valued as nobody is the same. Our difference/diversity can lead to growth and development but also problems as these differences can cause tension in a workplace. Regardless of their background, everyone has a right to their own thoughts and opinions which can and will be beneficial to the company and are protected by the Equality Act 2010.
1.2- Describe how to treat other people in a way that is sensitive to their needs.
Treat every person the way that you want them to treat you. Observe each individual that you encounter and analyse what needs they may have and try to meet those needs. Physically disabled people need more time to move around the office area, to treat this person correctly and with respect I would hold doors open and keep walk ways clear. Disabled mentally, anyone of a high mental disability would not be encountered in my area of work but if I did come across someone who clearly needed more help I would do everything I could to try to help and keep the person relaxed. Person of a strong religion, never discriminate against them because of their beliefs or use any offensive language- this is applicable to every person in office and visitor in office. Elderly people, this may be a visitor or delivery person (we do regularly receive visits from Steve’s parents who are of older years), be patient and adjust voice (slower, louder, being extra careful to explain key information).
1.3- Describe how to treat other people in a way that respects their abilities, background, values, customs and beliefs.
The best way to be tolerant, open minded person, is to always remember that everyone has different ways of doing things and that most of the time there is not just one right way of doing something. People almost always like explaining their own culture and beliefs, so asking them questions are usually a good way of starting a conversation. People don’t usually take offense if they can see you are honestly trying to learn about them. The fact that you are interested in the first place means that you are probably already a tolerant person. Most people are uncomfortable about other cultures because they are unfamiliar with them and are made nervous by what they do not know.
1.4- Describe ways in which it is possible to learn from others at work.
·         Ask people for information
·         Ask people to show you how to do things
·         Ask people about their beliefs, culture and customs and getting them to explain what they do or believe and why they do so
·         Talk to people a lot
·         Listen to what other people have to say
·         Watch other people to see what they are doing
·         Work with other people and in team/group tasks

2-       Understand how to maintain security and confidentiality at work and deal with concerns
2.1- Describe the purpose and benefits of maintaining security and confidentiality at work.
You would leave your company open to loss of trust from its clients, possible prosecution especially under the Data Protection Act and the possible loss of sensitive materials such as customer details, costing and drawings. Information security means protecting information and information systems from unauthorised access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification or destruction. Businesses amass a huge amount of confidential information about their employees, customers, product research and financial status. Most of this information is now collected, processed and stored on electronic computers and transmitted across networks to other computers. Should confidential information about a business’s customers or finances fall into the hands of a competitor, such a breach of security could lead to a loss of business, law suits and bankruptcy. Protecting confidential information is a business requirement, and in many cases also an ethical and legal requirement.
2.2- Describe requirements for security and confidentiality in an organisation.
If an organisation stores any information on people its needs to meet requirements set out in the Data Protection Act. The information should be stored securely whether it is paper based or electronically. The organisation should have an access to information policy. Anyone who has information stored about them has access to it on request and after completing security procedures (all vary depending on organisation). The information should not be given to third parties unless there are criminal implications and the courts demand it, or it is with the consent of the person themselves. In large organisations such as Rolls Royce (Derby) all employees must have their ID badges to gain access to sites, they also have a complex data and computer system to ensure the confidentiality and security of their most sensitive files.
2.3- Describe the legal requirements for security and confidentiality as required.
There are many types of law that covers the security and confidentiality. Examples of these acts are:
·         Data Protection Act 1998: The Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA 1998) is an act of the United Kingdom Parliament defining the ways in which information about living people may be legally used and handled. The main intent is to protect individuals against misuse or abuse of information about them. The DPA was first composed in 1984 and was updated in 1998.
·         Copyright, Design and Patent Act 1988: The Copyright, Design and Patent Act 1988 is the current UK copyright law. It gives the creators of literacy, dramatic, musical and artistic works the right to control the ways in which their material may be used. The rights cover: broadcast and public performance, copying and adapting, issuing, renting and lending copies to the public. In many cases, the creator will also have the right to be identified as the author and to object to the distorting of their work.
2.4- Describe procedures for dealing with concerns about security and confidentiality in an organisation.
1-       Identify potential problems
2-      Identify implications (potential loss) of each problem
3-      Determine possible preventative measures (and cost of each measure)
4-      Assign a ‘risk factor’ to each problem
5-      Rank the problem by “risk x loss Vs cost”
A company decided to issue laptops to its managerial staff. IT determined that the risk and cost of losing confidential company data stored on the laptops was ‘high’. The solutions was to ‘move’ the ‘My Documents’ folder from users laptops to the companies servers (in order to access documents when away from the office, you would have to log-in across the internet (VPN)). The directors, being technically illiterate, were incapable of logging into anything- so their laptops were made an exception. So whilst the canteen managers next week menus were safely stored on the companies server, the new product launch plans were revealed to the competition when the inevitable happened and a directors laptop was left in a taxi.
3-      Understand the purpose and procedures for keeping waste to a minimum in a business environment.
3.1- Explain the purpose of keeping waste to a minimum.
Keeping waste to a minimum in the business environment serves the same purpose as it does everywhere else. It decreases the amount of waste a business contributes to the environment (this can include solid waste, water waste and carbon emissions). Reducing waste is key to minimising an individuals or business’s environmental impact by reducing air and water pollutions and limiting the amount of materials that end up in landfills. Reducing waste can also serve to save a business money. By enacting plans that conserve materials, they will inevitably cut down on the amount of materials they need to purchase. Likewise any attempt to reduce carbon emissions inevitably relies on a reduction of energy use, which means less money spent on electricity and fuel. The advantage of applying waste minimising principles in a business environment is that it impacts a larger number of people. Such actions also serve to improve a business’s image.
3.2- Describe the main causes of waste that may occur in a business environment.
Can mean wasting time, energy or office equipment.
Time = internet, people doing personal tasks, inter-office socialising, not being productive because of poor management directions, lack of knowledge regarding workload and work process.
Office supplies = theft, excessive use of printing when not needed, personal use of office equipment by employees, people not proof reading or checking documents for mistakes.
Energy = leaving lights and PC’s turned on at night when no one is there, keeping heat or air conditioning turned too high or low, inefficient use of company vehicles.
3.3- Describe ways of keeping waste to a minimum.
Keep the faxes, printers and copiers in good working order so that they produce good copies and don’t ‘eat’ copies and jam. Order good quality paper that is the recommended weight for the office machines. Eliminate the conformation page of the fax by changing the settings. Periodically ask everyone to purge their desks of excess pens, stickers, sticky notes and other supplies. Order a reasonable amount of supplies for a shot period so there is not a feeling of oversupply and that usage doesn’t matter. Set expectations that people do not take supplies home with them, or use printers/copiers for excessive amounts. Organise supplies and remove those that are out of date. Request that people ask for supplies from a specific person by a deadline. Turning off equipment and lights will also help reduce waste.
3.4- Identify ways of using technology to reduce waste.
You can email people instead of writing letters and notes out on paper and leaving them lying around. You could also phone someone instead of writing a letter out to them this is the quickest way of communication as long as the other person answers, this will save you time, ink and paper. If a machine in your office has broken down then you could email the person who supplied you with it to come and take it away or you could call them to come and take it away as soon as possible. If your company has a shredder that does all the shredding for you then you could use that to get rid of waste paper, it would also destroy any sensitive and confidential details/information. Sending bills/invoices/statements via email saves paper and ink also saves money that would have been spent on Franking. Some companies will have a purchase order control for ordering stationary, when staff have sent their requests through the orders are checked by a manager who will determine how necessary the orders and can decline orders should they know sufficient supplies are available.
3.5- Outline the purpose and benefits of recycling.
Recycling at work is a great way to increase you business sustainability and help to reduce climate change. Once you start to recycle at work you’ll experience the wide range of benefits that come with making your company a more sustainable and environmentally responsible organisation.
·         Enhances company image- Engaging in greener business practices and publishing those practises can do wonders for your company image and can attract both employees and customers.
·         Recycling is easy to do- Recycling at work is straight forward and easy to do. It’s easy to separate out materials to recycle from your other waste, if you get a good system in place its easy to implement and maintain.
·         Recycling increases customer loyalty- Customers prefer to do business with companies that behave in an environmentally-friendly way.
·         Recycling often reduces clutter and saves space- Recycling often reduces clutter and improves the working environment. Less clutter also means increased safety around your workplace.
·         Recycling is great for the environment- Recycling at work helps you reduce the environmental impact of your business. Recycling your waste materials means they can be used again in new products and applications, instead of simply going into landfills where they generate harmful greenhouse gas emissions.
·         Increases employee morale- Employee satisfaction is the best reason to undertake a recycling scheme. Employees find great pride in working for a company that embodies environmental values and focuses attention on its environmental impact and responsibilities.  
·         Recycling is cost effective- Recycling is a cost effective method of dealing with your waste, simple because is it often cheaper when compared with general waste management and disposal.
3.6- Describe organisational procedures for recycling materials.
Here at UK Waterproofing Solutions Ltd we do not have a recycling procedure, spare or waste paper is re-used as note paper, and care is taken to only print necessary documents. A general procedure for recycling is:
1-      Organisation collects, stores and sorts recyclable materials
2-      Materials are collected by a recycling organisation where it is taken to a factory for further sorting and eventually taken to a factory to be recycled and re-made into a new product.
Within the company they may have separate bins for recyclable materials and a collector that empties those bins.
4-  Understand procedures for disposal of hazardous materials
4.1- Describe the benefits of procedures for the recycling and disposal of hazardous materials.
Hazardous waste refuse, recycling and reclamation can avoid environmental hazards, protect scarce natural resources, provide economic benefits and reduce the nation’s reliance on raw materials and energy.
·         Environmental benefits- Recycling hazardous waste reduced the consumption of raw materials by reducing the volume of waste materials that must be treated and disposed of. Recycling hazardous waste can mean less air, water and soil pollution associated with the extraction, refining and processing of raw materials, recycling can also reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. When hazardous wastes are recycled, less energy is needed to extract, transport and process raw materials and manufacture products. When energy demands decreases fewer fossil fuels are burned and less carbon dioxide is emitted into the atmosphere. Emissions of other air pollutants can be reduced too, as recycling hazardous wastes can decrease release of air toxics from waste incineration.
·         Economic benefits- Not only can hazardous waste recycling be good for the environment it can also be good for the bottom line. Recycling hazardous waste can increase production efficiency and reduce costs associated with purchasing raw materials and waste management. By recycling hazardous materials a business may be able to eliminate the generation of hazardous waste. A business may also benefit from the positive or ‘green’ image associated with hazardous waste recycling efforts. For example, a company who values strong corporate stewardship can increase good will with shareholders and consumers and further distinguish itself from its competition.   
4.2- Describe organisation procedures for the recycling and disposal of hazardous materials.
Generally in the UK you have to write a COSHH (Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health) assessment for the disposal of hazardous materials. There is no one safe method and each substance must be individually assessed. For example, the disposal of a lead-acid battery is different to the disposal of an alkaline battery which again is different to the disposal of a metal hydride rechargeable battery. All these contain toxic compounds that can be recycled. Thus the procedure is to write a COSHH assessment for each substance to be disposed of or recycled. This comprises writing an assessment of the hazards and risks, the safety precautions that are needed, what to do if something goes wrong and how to contain the waste material at the end. For example, something like sulphuric acid can be rendered harmless in its disposal procedure, meaning that the end product can be disposed of by normal means. Other substances may remain hazardous, even after processing, and a special disposal method is needed. Here at UK Waterproofing Solutions Ltd we do not recycle any hazardous materials from the office base, however when out on sites our men deal with the recycling of plastics, bitumen, rubble and asbestos.
5-      Know how to support sustainability in a organisation.
5.1- Outline the purpose of improving efficiency and minimising waste.
The purpose of improving efficiency is so that raw materials can be managed in order to minimise waste and therefore reduce costs. Also, minimising waste can have a positive effect on the environment. One of the most fundamental ways to improve efficiency is to minimise waste, you can do this in three main ways:
·         Compliance with the Waste Minimisation Act 2008 and any equivalent laws in the countries your business operates.
·         Voluntary measures: these might include undertaking a waste audit and creating a company waste minimisation policy.
·         Sharing waste minimisation knowledge with partners in your supply chain. 
5.2- Describe ways of improving own working methods and use of technology to achieve efficiency and reduce waste.
1-      Handle computer equipment carefully and keep it clean- for example crumbs and food in key board or broken laptop screen.
2-      Learn how to maintain a computer – If a computer is properly maintained then it will work smoothly for a long time.
3-      Switch technology off when it is not in use- For examples, TV’s DVD players and computers can be turned off at night.
4-      Learn how to use technology correctly- Reading and understanding instruction manuals will prevent unnecessary damage.  
NB- Please do not exactly copy this work, make questions relevant to where you work and the procedures of your particular company.
Unit 679- Communicate in a Business Environment
This unit is about being able to communicate clearly and accurately, in writing and verbally, with other people in a business environment.
1-      Understand the purpose of planning communication.
1.1-            Explain reasons for knowing the purpose of communications 
By knowing the purpose of communication you know how to respond, to whether it is designed to start a debate, send a message to people or just a general information briefing and know how to interpret the information. It is important for me to know the purpose of communication when I contact another company as I need to find out information and normally very specific information, so the purpose of my communication is information retrieval. Whenever anyone communicated they are transferring information, an opinion or a message so this needs to be clearly laid out so the purpose remains clear.
1.2-            Explain reasons for knowing the audience to whom the communication is being presented.
By knowing who your audience is it is easier to adapt your communication to make it audience acceptable. If a business man with many years of experience will be able to understand more complex business jargon where as a new employee to a business would need things explaining in a jargon-less way, unless you also clearly explain what the technical term means but this can be time consuming. In my work I occasionally deal with customers and as I am still new at work I don’t use any form of jargon, this is useful because customers may become confused when presented with terms they don’t understand.
1.3-            Describe different methods of communication.
There are several methods of business communication.
·         Web based communication- for better and improved communication, anytime and anywhere.
·         Video conferencing- allows for people in different locations to hold interactive meetings.
·         Emails- which provide an instantaneous medium of written communication worldwide.
·         Reports- important in documenting the activities of any department.
·         Presentations- very popular method of communication in all types of organisation, usually involves audiovisual material, copies of reports or materials prepared in Microsoft PowerPoint or Adobe Flash.
·         Telephone meetings (phone conferencing) - allows people to speak long distance.
·         Forum boards- allow people to instantly post information in a centralised location.
·         Face-to-face meetings- are personal and should be succeeded by a written follow up.
·         Suggestion box- it is mainly for upward communication as some people may be hesitant to communicate to the management directly.

1.4-            Describe when to use different methods of communication.

·         We based communication- usually over a webpage, this method is ideal for mass update of knowledge without you having to contact millions of people. E.g. new prices are updated on webpage, from then on the information is correct and everyone who then visits the webpage can find the prices.
·         Video conferencing- this method is used a lot in business as it allows for two (or more) people speak on what may be the closest face-to-face communication they can achieve. Used a lot with international business communication. For example the managing director of a large company in England is meant to be meeting with the managing director of a company in Australia, due to complications the English man was unable to travel by then setting up a video conference between the two business men they are still able to meet “face-to-face” and continue with the meeting despite the fact they are not in the same location.
·         Emails- are constantly used as a method of communication, ideal for when you require a lot of information i.e. file transfer or when a reply is not needed with a great amount of urgency.
·         Phone conferencing- is ideal for a management meeting or for when multiple members are involved and transporting everyone to the same location is not practical.
·         Face to face meetings- this method is ideal for building business relations, for building a good repor with customers/clients and for business meetings or presentations.
2-      Understand how to communicate in writing
2.1- Identify different sources of information that may be used when preparing written communication. 
·         The internet- the internet contains an unimaginable amount of information on every topic imaginable so this is an ideal source for the research of information. There are also websites that allow other sources like books and newspapers are viewable on the internet.
·         Books- an old fashioned but still very useful source of information. Books can now be found available on the internet but a much wider range is available in public libraries and is great for information research.
·         Videos- non written informational source such as videos can also be used to prepare written communication. They may show for example an interview with a person, technique for a particular sports move, a ‘how to’ guide. Notes from the video can then be made into a written piece of work.
·         Archived documents- this source of information is used a lot in business where retrieval of older information specific to a particular topic (e.g. financial reports covering the businesses lifetime) are required for the written communication.
·         People- asking people can be a great source of information, they can give you an opinion, personal account and if they are more experienced/educated within the topic you are researching can give you a great amount of details or simplify a piece of information so you can understand it easier.
2.2- Describe the communicational principles for using electronic forms of written communication in a business environment.
Electronic forms of business communications are communications through emails, faxes ECT. Anything that is stored or transmitted electronically are electronic forms of data or communication. You have to make use of all the different tools available in the organisation, and learn to use them accurately and effectively in order to perform the job efficiently and save time. In an office environment, you should be able to interpret information from sources whether manual or electronic, and be able to use good paragraphing skills. You should be skilful enough to exchange or transmit information over telecommunications technology and know how to use the software because emails, scanning, faxes ECT are all forms of electronic communications. When choosing electronic communications for exchange of information, you should think logically to decide which the best and most efficient method of communication is.
2.3- Describe reasons for using language that suits the purpose of written communication.
Colloquial, casual and formal writing are different styles of writing that have their own expectations and outcomes. The style of writing also depends on the purpose of what is intended to say, how it is intended to be said, what the document will be used for and the audience.
Casual language is something that we use to communicate with family and close friends. It uses informal words that we use normally on a daily basis.
Colloquial language is an informal conversational style of writing.
Formal language is used in business communications. It is based on a professional intention. It also depends on the words you use, the way you use and relates to your role. You need to be personally well presented and the language has formal words with proper syntax, good vocabulary and excellent grammar which are more important.
2.4- Describe ways of organising, structuring and presenting written information so it meets the needs of an audience.
When organising, structuring and presenting written information we have to bear in mind the following:
·         Prepare all the documents for presentation depending on what has to be delivered.
·         Keep documents in the correct order, so that the communication goes in a proper flow without any confusions and errors.
·         While presenting be clear in what you talk about, stating the objectives. Give an introduction on what you are going to present, why you are there doing it, why the attendees are there and why is it important.
·         Present it step by step clearly using proper resources where needed
·         In the end, close it down making clear that all objectives were covered and the attendees were clear of all of them.
Inform the team what will happen next and what actions have to be implemented and any other outcomes from the presentation.
2.5- Describe ways of checking for accuracy of written information.
Any written content or communication has to be free of spelling and grammatical errors. It also has to be in the right and professional format. So the following have to be checked or considered before the document is finalised to be sent out.
1-       Check the points written down:
Whatever we write has to be accurate, otherwise it will have disastrous effects and can even ruin the reputation of the organisation, and the organisation can itself get into trouble. So all details have to be double checked, for example dates, names, statistics, events, discussions, actions and other facts. If you are unsure of anything, make sure you check with a knowledgeable or experienced people and update the written document.
2-      Spell check and grammar check:
Spell check is an option available to easily correct typo errors. Sometimes it will not be 100% accurate, because if you typed a word instead of another, then spell check will not be able to trace it. So it is always best to read through the document twice before finalising. Also, some new words will not be added on to the spell checkers database and so relying solely on the spell checker is not good.
3-      Use a template:
Usually every organisation has a different style for documents they produce. They will be all be available, you should research through to find the correct style for the document that you produce depending on needs, department and organisations follow the style guide to produce the document. As an organisation documents have to be produced in a standard and professional format.
4-      Take help from another reader:
Another way to ensure accuracy is to have your document read by another reader. Sometimes when we read through our own work, minor and sometimes major errors can be hard to detect. Sometimes you would have written things repeatedly, which will be easily picked up by a different person. Also grammatical, punctuation and style errors can be picked up if the reader is an experienced person.
2.6- Explain the purpose of accurate use of grammar, punctuation and spelling.
The main purpose in the correct use of grammar, punctuation and spelling is ensuring the receiver of the information reads it accurately. Additionally to this when given a task to do your employer expects you to do it perfectly. When a document has inaccuracies, readers tend to distrust everything, including the statistics, opinions and facts. This would be relayed back to my employer who would themselves lose confidence in my ability. For progression in my company I need to ensure I carry out all tasks to a certain standard.
2.7- Explain what is meant by plain English, and why it is used.
Plain English is plain language used for communication that emphasises clarity and avoids technical language. This is very important particularly in relation to official government communication, including laws.
Plain English is used so that what you try to communicate is easily understood by everyone and is appropriate to their reading skills and knowledge. It is clear and direct, with nothing hidden, free of unnecessary remarks and unnecessary language or slangs.
Plain English is simple, straight forward, it is easily understood English. They do not have difficult or technical terms, instead have common words used and understood by everyone.
2.8- Explain the need to proof read and check written work.
Any work that is written has to be checked and proofread because the content that we write is important. The way a paper or any information looks affects the way others judge it. We all put in so much effort to develop a document and put in all the ideas and skills we have to create a document. So it has to be done with no errors, else it will create a bad impression to the reader which affects the name of the organisation. So it is always best to create the right document and make a good impression. Any piece of written work should be proofread, from emails to minutes. Just proofreading will have a great effect on the quality of the document you produce and it will help you get more appreciation from your organisation and help you get noticed.
2.9- Explain how to identify work that is important and work that is urgent.
Importance and urgency are two totally different things. When something is urgent I rush to do it, when something is important I prioritise it. In our day to day work schedule we have a mix of tasks, some important, some urgent and some of low priority. But all tasks have to be completed before the deadlines, as it is very important for the progress and running of the organisation. Urgent tasks are not necessarily complicated so I try and finish all urgent tasks quickly and then move on to the important ones.
·         I prioritise workload in a way that it doesn’t affect the organisation or cause any financial cuts.
·         I put the urgent one in a separate folder, so I know which ones to deal with first, rather than going through everything which can be time consuming.
·         I also try and complete as much work in the morning as during the day I gain new tasks (although daily tasks) to complete.
2.10- Describe organisational procedures for saving and filing written communications.
Every organisation has its own policies and procedures for saving and filling documents. I always follow the policies and procedures of my organisation when I file documents. Documents with similar information are filed together for ease of accessibility when necessary. Documents that need to be shared with other departments and other staff are always stored on shared drives. Most companies are very particular about the storage of confidential information. Irrelevant of where they are stored, they usually are password protected and stored safely in personal and protected folders, encrypted if necessary. Records may be kept as paper files, or electronically in shared drives, databases or document management systems.
3-      Understand how to communicate verbally.
3.1- Describe ways of verbally presenting information and ideas clearly.
I have to use simple language and short sentences when I am presenting information that way it makes the information easier to understand for everyone. I have to make sure I am flexible, consciously slow my talking as I do talk very fast, be able to give people the information in different ways. Some understand by hearing, some by seeing and some by repetition. Before presenting the information I:
·         Plan what I want to say
·         Cut out all unnecessary details
·         Present the important ideas in a logical order, use active and personal language ‘you’ and ‘we’
3.2- Explain ways of making contributions to discussions that help to move them forward.
Ask them to expand on their point, ask for an example or for more information. Respect differing views and learn to disagree politely. Try to stick to the discussion topic. Don’t introduce irrelevant information. If discussion does digress bring it back on topic by saying “just a final point about the last topic before we move on...” or “that’s an interesting point, can we come back to that later?” Be aware of your body language; keep it open, friendly and relaxed. Avoid gestures that appear aggressive. Don’t take over the discussion and allow for every member to have a voice. Don’t take offence if another speaker disagrees with you. Putting forward different points of view is an important part of any discussion. Others may disagree with your ideas and they are entitled to do so.
3.3- Describe methods of active listening.
Listening is one of the most important skills in life, in order to perform my job well I mist be a good listener. The extent to which I listen will reflect on my job and performance, it will also portray the quality of my relationship with my fellow colleagues.
·         I listen to obtain information from others
·         I listen to understand what others say
·         I listen to learn new things
·         I listen because I respect others feelings as I wish others to respect mine
·         I listen because I care for others
·         I listen because it is important to listen and act accordingly
Becoming a better listener will help me improve my productivity at work. It will also help others achieve the ability to be influential, persuasive and to negotiate.
Methods of active listening include:
·         Listening calmly without interrupting, so that I let the other person speak and show that that I care and respect them
·         Asking others to repeat if I do not understand anything, in order to avoid mistakes
·         Taking note of important points, so that I do not forget or miss out on any important points.
·         Confirming what I have understood, so that there is no misunderstanding of information.
3.4- Explain the purpose of summarising verbal communications
The purpose of summarising verbal communications is to:
·         Identify major points- behaviours, thoughts and feelings that have been discussed
·         Put it all together
·         It helps to have a clear precise outline.

4-       Understand the purpose of feedback in developing communicational skills
4.1- Describe ways of getting feedback on communications
Feedback is the last process in communication and it completes the process of communication (unit 672 Make and Receive Telephone Calls Q1.8) Feedback helps us decide if the communication was effective and useful and made sense. It helps you decide what can be done better next time, thereby giving you new ideas. I get feedback from my team, manager and any other staff involved. This helps me improve my performance and correct errors, for this I:
·         Collect data
·         Take action
·         Communicate the feedback
·         Refine the changes
4.2- Explain the purpose of using feedback to develop communicational skills
Feedback is a very important aspect in any working environment, I use it to develop my skills and myself, and to continually improve my work. Using feedback can improve the quality of service and reputation of an organisation. Acknowledging and incorporating feedback creates a bond between company and its customers. By enthusiastically accepting and using feedback I can show my willingness to learn.  
NB- Please do not exactly copy this work, make questions relevant to where you work and the procedures of your particular company.


  1. Very Helpful, Did not copy it, Just used it to translate what the answers meant as they don't seem to be plain English.

  2. This is also helpful...
    Some of it is repeated here verbatim, I'm not sure who's copying and pasting who but never mind it's all helpful. Thanks for posting :)

  3. Rather interesting and narrow minded opinion of what mental health is in CU678 1.2.

    Mental health covers a vast spectrum of conditions, and it might just be a matter of giving them more time to complete tasks, or give work in a quieter environment such as an office instead of a supermarket checkout.

  4. Thank you! I found the questions very vague so this has helped me a lot

    Work from home theory is fast gaining popularity because of the freedom and flexibility that comes with it. Since one is not bound by fixed working hours, they can schedule their work at the time when they feel most productive and convenient to them. Women & Men benefit a lot from this concept of work since they can balance their home and work perfectly. People mostly find that in this situation, their productivity is higher and stress levels lower. Those who like isolation and a tranquil work environment also tend to prefer this way of working. Today, with the kind of communication networks available, millions of people worldwide are considering this option.

    Women & Men who want to be independent but cannot afford to leave their responsibilities at home aside will benefit a lot from this concept of work. It makes it easier to maintain a healthy balance between home and work. The family doesn't get neglected and you can get your work done too. You can thus effectively juggle home responsibilities with your career. Working from home is definitely a viable option but it also needs a lot of hard work and discipline. You have to make a time schedule for yourself and stick to it. There will be a time frame of course for any job you take up and you have to fulfill that project within that time frame.

    There are many things that can be done working from home. A few of them is listed below that will give you a general idea about the benefits of this concept.

    This is the most common and highly preferred job that Women & Men like doing. Since in today's competitive world both the parents have to work they need a secure place to leave behind their children who will take care of them and parents can also relax without being worried all the time. In this job you don't require any degree or qualifications. You only have to know how to take care of children. Parents are happy to pay handsome salary and you can also earn a lot without putting too much of an effort.

    For those who have a garden or an open space at your disposal and are also interested in gardening can go for this method of earning money. If given proper time and efforts nursery business can flourish very well and you will earn handsomely. But just as all jobs establishing it will be a bit difficult but the end results are outstanding.

    Freelance can be in different wings. Either you can be a freelance reporter or a freelance photographer. You can also do designing or be in the advertising field doing project on your own. Being independent and working independently will depend on your field of work and the availability of its worth in the market. If you like doing jewellery designing you can do that at home totally independently. You can also work on freelancing as a marketing executive working from home. Wanna know more, email us on and we will send you information on how you can actually work as a marketing freelancer.

    Internet related work
    This is a very vast field and here sky is the limit. All you need is a computer and Internet facility. Whatever field you are into work at home is perfect match in the software field. You can match your time according to your convenience and complete whatever projects you get. To learn more about how to work from home, contact us today on workfromhome.otr214422@gmail.comand our team will get you started on some excellent work from home projects.

    Diet food
    Since now a days Women & Men are more conscious of the food that they eat hence they prefer to have homemade low cal food and if you can start supplying low cal food to various offices then it will be a very good source of income and not too much of efforts. You can hire a few ladies who will help you out and this can be a good business.

    Thus think over this concept and go ahead.


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